Luke 7:44-50 44 Very Grateful, My Debt Is No More
Luke 7:44-50 to explain the parable of debt being forgiven, the Lord showed me the rest of Luke 7. There are three people here around the dinner table, who heard Jesus, the money lender will forgive no matter how high. Jesus , Simon the Pharisee, and the woman with no name but is called a sinner.
Luke 7:39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner.”
Jesus had enough renegotiation to be invited to Pharisee house for a meal, Simon the teacher of law, wanted to show hospitality and let Jesus eat at his table. Simon felt very insulted this awful sinner entered his house, poured out expense perfume, to wash Jesus’s feet and head. There is a lot happening here at Simon’s dinner table that is written in the gospel of Luke 7:36-50. The dinner party is written in Matthew 26:6-13,Mark 4:3-9 and John 12:1-8, both gospels writings call Simon the Pharisee the leper. Simon was doomed for death, he walked around shouting, “unclean,” so that no one would get near him and catch his deadly disease. Leprosy was a disease the Jewish people believed was a curse given my God, for a horrible sin. When Jesus had enough mercy to heal Simon, his life was extended and the pain from sickness that made flesh rot, Simon felt very grateful to give Jesus a delicious meal. Simon had forgotten he was once sick doom for death, he called the woman a sinner, but the gospel of Matthew and Mark still Simon a leper. Jesus may have touched Simon to heal him, when no other person would say, keep your nasty disease to yourself and die. The sinful woman, spend a major amount of her money and pour most of all on Jesus, three hundred denarii gone in a matter of seconds. Simon never washed his guest feet, that was the custom of a humble Hebrew host, but the sinful women spent a yearly wage and anointed the man who loved her for just being herself. Who knows how many man, paid for her temporary love and left her. She made a statement with her costly purchase. She said I love you Jesus and I wanna give you, my all. Did the sinful woman know more about the Pharisee. Jesus told the dinner crowd, she has prepared me for burial where I will forgive and release people from debt. Only those who recognize me as Messiah, the anointed Savior of the world, will be debt free. God bless you all, the Savior loves you and so does this sinner. Samuel H.