Luke 12:16-21 Wealth Stored On Earth Is Foolish Parable
A person with wealth can get concerned about how to keep it, and maintain their income. There is nothing wrong with wealth and being blessed with money, plenty of Biblical people were rich and honored God with it. When people get more dependent on their earthly funds, rather the Lord who provides it, then money becomes an idol. Many of the great patriarchs of scripture were wealthy; Abraham (Genesis 13:6), Isaac (Genesis 26:16), Job (Job 1:1-10), and Solomon (2 Chronicles 9:20). None of these great men found treasure in wealth, but only in the Lord’s holy direction.
Psalm 119:72 The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Acts 3:6 But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!”
The Roaring Twenties was a good time , it was a decade of awesome economic growth. Technology was good for the middle class, automobiles were mass produce and radios being sold to people’s homes. Those good times ended when the stock market crash and the Great Depression began. Many didn’t trust the banks and paper money was almost useless. So they bury their gold and gems, in their backyards and still to this day, people will find someone treasure in their yard. True wealth comes knowing the Lord and how much He loves us, He is offering so much to those who love and worship Him. I chase the rat race of earning money trying to provide of myself and it was never enough, King Solomon said this, in his words;
Happiness comes from seeking the treasures of God, and it’s okay to live life day to day but tells others of the treasure the Lord has from them. There is a difference about the people who find treasure in this greedy world, they really don’t want to share. The children of God share their wealth, as Christian community, if they store extra away, they do it to give to others. Please tell others about the wealth you gain from the love of God. God bless, the Lord loves you and so do I. Samuel H.