James 5:13-15 Compassion In His Assembly

James 5:13-15

13 Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. 14 Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.

A person turns to Jesus, to understand the reason for life and by going to Him in prayer, by Him listening to our cries He helps us in troubled times. The Bible passage between James 5:13-15 is direct to an individual and the church. A church is like a schoolhouse for young children to learn from their teachers. Right now, most school teaching is being done in a virtual way. And so many students are not doing well, because they don’t have a teacher’s real inaction to show how to dot “i” or cross “t” . They don’t have classmates to talk to or even say “good job’ if they get a good grade, and pat on the back from the teacher if a student does work. There is no group of friends at a lunchroom table, telling each other how much they love the lunch pizza, or another one saying, why don’t you marry the pizza then.  A schoolhouse full of teachers and other staff like a principal, guidance counselor or even a janitor to  lead young students to adulthood. A church may not be full of teachers as much as a school, but it is an assembly of people who want to be like students, learn the teachings of Jesus. Christian to me have stronger faith when they have Christian brothers and sisters in a church family. So many people condemn the church, they say a church is not a building or the excuse I hear the church or it’s members are corrupt. Nothing can lift up an individual person who is going through trials and tribulation all by themselves then the support like prayers and a hug or the words we love you, to give spiritual healing. Having happy times is good, but having happy times with others like a church family is way more fun. I am a bit of a loner, I go to the movies and out to eat alone, cause I really don’t have a relationship, so I have no one to say, hey that movie was pretty awesome, or that steak or cheese cake was delicious. Now I really don’t like that lifestyle, but hey it is what I have, but once a week I enjoy worship with  my God I love with others who love the same God, and that is family. Of course a church is not technically a building or four walls, but church in the New Testament comes the Greek word ἐκκλησία and in simple English that means a assembly or congregation of believers. Now for most of you educated people how can one individual of one believer, in one place be a church or how can you be in assembly or how can you be part of a congregation. Even now with social distancing and church not having real in person worship, are you joining some kind of online worship. Are most of you getting your church from tv or radio or social media where you exchange Bible verses and say Amen, do you feel fulfilled that way? To me, it is like the words, Do not judge me or only God can judge me, comes from people  outside any church. If you are looking for a church, I have said this many times, get in touch with me and I will help you find a church to gather with. God bless you all, the Lord loves you and so does the body of Christ His church does too. Samuel Head

Romans 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.


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