Revelation 2:4-5 Antichrists’ Rapture Mark
4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
Lampstand in the book of Revelation is the seven churches to which the apostle John writes letters. In the book of Exodus, lampstands are placed in the Tabernacle that lights up the whole holy tent. So, the lampstand is symbolic, meaning the church is a lesser light that illuminates the holy of blessed Jesus Christ. The Lord is upset with the church in Revelation 2:4-5, proclaiming it has left their first love, God. How does a Christian or a church lose a passion for the Lord? That is a simple answer: they listen to and obey antichrists’ lies.
There are many lies that the Christian church teaches and believes wholeheartedly. The lampstand the Hebrew Bible calls a menorah is irrelevant to many Christians and the church. Why, well, they no longer honor the 4th commandment of Sabbath and believe that is acceptable. The Lord established the Sabbath initially at creation, but the founder of the Catholic church, Constantine the Great, established Sunday as Lord’s Day in the year A.D. 321. Another lie several churches teaches is that the Christian church will be rapture away. Those who remain will have time to repent and be given salvation. But Revelation 2:4-5 says otherwise. The Lord says if a sinner has not repented, He will remove the church, and it will not return. There are no extra seven or thousand years of an additional grace period. When the world’s light, the body of Christ, is gone, the Lord Jesus Christ has already judged and condemned this world, and it no longer exists. The left behind will perish in hell. Repenting to the Lord means to say I am sorry, God, help me be more like You. God be with you, brothers and sisters; Jesus and I love you. His bondservant, Samuel Jerry Head.