Revelation 18:20 The Finish Mark
Since the fall of men in Genesis chapter 3, God’s people have suffered. Because God accepted Abel’s worship, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy. The church of Babylonian is full of people who believe in God but falsely worship Him. Cain killed his brother, then hid him, but God saw it and passed judgment against Cain, sending him away. The Babylonian church is full of people who want God but do not truly love Him. They worship how they want to; they will forsake God’s word and commandments. They live an anti-Christ life, not living by the words that Jesus taught. They change the meaning of God’s word to make their false worship seem acceptable. The Babylon Church and its members persecute the Christians of the true church. This is how children of God experience tribulation. They are insulted, assaulted, arrested, falsely accused, or even murdered or executed. This started when sin entered the world, and the first victim was Adam and Eve’s, second son. The book of Revelation tells of the time when Jesus Christ will reveal that He is the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and God the Creator. He reaches a point when He will not stand the rejection of His authority. He is the Creator of heaven and earth. He will no longer tolerate the abuse. His children receive from the children of the Devil. Enough is enough, and God passes judgment and releases vengeance. Those who reject He is God, and do not love Him or others, are abolished, never to exist again. All creation celebrates and gives glory to God. They thank God they stood by their faith, and He destroyed His enemies and the enemies of His church. From that day of judgment, only those who genuinely love God will be alive, worshipping Him for eternity. God bless you; the Lord Jesus the redeemer loves you, and so do I. His bondservant, Samuel Jerry Head.