Revelation 13:17-18 The Worship Law Mark
Despite what many Americans and feel, the United States of America aren’t governed by the Holy Bible, but many country’s laws are the same as God’s law. Many nations and countries all have the same law but are not religious but even so, they have what is called separation of church and state. Some Islamic nations have religious Sharia laws but still have similar laws. Most law they have in common is murder, stealing, kidnapping, and sexual assault are all illegal but these same laws were in the oldest recorded law in the world that is found on The Code of Ur-Nammu. Even if the Bible calls the Babylonian empire evil and the evil church in the book of Revelation is called Babylon, still it had similar laws as most countries ancient and modern.
Since the United States was founded for religious freedom, it created what is called Blue Laws which are also known as Sunday laws. The Bible says the color blue represents the 10 Commandments and they were told to wear it, as a reminder to self to remember God’s law, the color blue somehow associated together.
Blues laws were created in countries like the USA mostly for religious respect, many places would not allow it to open or alcohol was not allowed to be sold. Many places where the government is not open for business, as the US Post Office, Courthouse, and many banks aren’t open on Sunday. As the United States gets older many people to want to be less religious so blues laws are hardly enforced so not many people know what blue laws are or have never heard of them. When the mark of the beast goes into full effect and strict enforcement, the laws that worship God by His way will be illegal and anyone who doesn’t worship the mark of worship will be punished by prison or death. Even in the early history of America, religious people came here for religious freedoms, but if anyone was found breaking the Sabbath, he or she would be punished for all to see. Punishment in colonial days from breaking the Sabbath was harsh, heavy fines would be given and sometimes Sabbath-breakers were put into stock for a very long time or whipped in public for all to see. Since Sunday was made the Sabbath by the Roman Catholic many years ago, the true seventh Sabbath has been forgotten, many Christian keep it out of tradition without knowing Saturday is the real Lord’s holy Sabbath day of rest. If something like global warming seems to be an issue the world wants to deal with, the blue law like no labor on Sunday, worship, or a day off is highly suggested by world powers and will be heavily enforced to try and stop climate change from getting worse. The nations of the world don’t care if you go to church, or worship God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or a Jedi religion no seventh-day worship will be allowed, but if you wanna worship do it on Sunday, or else you will be treated like a criminal. Many people will embrace a Sunday day off from labor, both religious and non-religious, especially when all human rights will be allowed, if you go and live by blue laws that will become, government powers real laws. God bless you all, the Lord loves you and so do I, Samuel J H.