Proverbs 13:1 My Son! My Son?
Proverbs 13:1
A wise son accepts his father’s discipline, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.
The book of Proverbs is words of wisdom from Solomon as a father to his son. The Holy Bible is God the Father’s word for His created children. In Biblical times, the word of God was passed down from the father with the mother’s help to their children. Seldomly Biblical parents like Adam and Eve, Jacob, Aaron, and even David had dishonorable children. This proves Godly parents can have troubled children. As the world gets older and the hearts of mankind fade away, more people have less desire to be good parents, and fewer children have less love for their mother and father. This means prophecies like Romans 1:26-31 and 2 Timothy 3:1-6 are being fulfilled. Those who love themselves and money are disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, lacking self-control, and lovers of pleasure rather than good are scoffers of godly family homes. This is why fatherhood is declining, but the word of God predicted it, so one who reads scripture should not be surprised. Behavior like this was unheard of fifty, sixty, hundred, or even two thousand years ago. Fatherless homes or fatherless children lead to several problems, such as social, emotional, and cognitive development and functioning. Why does this happen, or why is it allowed? Well, because love for self is more desirable and love for others is declining, that even means the love parents are supposed to have for their children and the love the children are supposed to have for their mother and father. If a child is conceived because of a lack of self-control or does not care, a scoffer can abort their consequences; it is only the mother’s right; the child was never offered any. Just because a father trains his children how they should go does not mean they will. King David had such a son; his name was Absalom. Thank goodness King David had wise commanders and generals to show him harsh discipline was needed sometimes, even if it meant death.
The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, swore an oath to protect the country’s citizens, both foreign and domestic. His son, Hunter Biden, is a poor excuse for a son and father. He is notorious as a drug user, hiring prostitutes for sex. He is a lobbyist, but all he lobbies is his father’s political title for personal financial gain. Not only that, he does not support his daughter or claim to be her father; he does not pay his income taxes, which means he does not fulfill his civic duty. What does His father, Joe Biden, say about his son’s action? He denies his son even did such, but he also promised a cure for cancer if he was elected to the presidency. Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the United States, had a similar incident. His son, William Franklin, was loyal to the British; Benjamin treated him as a traitor to the United States and refused to have a father-son relationship with him. Joe Biden, the outside nation’s respect as President of the United States is dwindling because of his family affairs. God helps us all American citizens and people of the free world nations from the poor leadership of our countries. God bless you all; Jesus loves you, and so do I, Samuel Jerry Head, a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.