John 2:18 Signs, Signs
The Jews then said to Him, “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?”
When Jesus flipped the money changers’ tables and set free the animals that would be sold for worship service, He caused a great disturbance. Jesus quoted scripture, “it is written My Father’s house should be a place for prayers, but you have made it a den of thieves!” The fake religious leaders were questioning Jesus’ actions. What sign can He give to prove the temple is His Father’s house? What sign can Jesus show that has the authority to chase animals away and flip over money-changers tables? Jesus knew the fake religious leaders would not accept any sign because they had hard hearts. All of Israel knew the Messiah had been born; rumors were everywhere. Wise men travel from away to see the new King of Kings when Jesus is born and worship Him with gifts. They told King Herod that they follow the great star in the night sky, which would lead them to the Messiah. Herod, the official King of the Jews, tried to kill the King of Kings but failed. Jewish leaders with to ask John the Baptist if he was Christ, and he said no. They ask who gave him authority to preach and baptize; he answers the One among you, who you do not know. The Jews of the past had signed after signs and never accepted the Lord’s authority. God freed them from slavery, walked through the Red Sea on dry ground, ate manna (angel bread), and even saw God move the sun backward; still, they denied God’s authority over and over. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, they had all the proof they needed, but they wanted to kill Him anyway. physical signs and evidence do not lead anyone to believe Jesus is the Son of God. Faith and faith alone are the sign that work. The sign of you and I is that the Spirit of the Lord softens your hard heart and gives you a pure zeal to recognize His authority. God bless you all; Jesus loves you, and so do I. Samuel Jerry Head, His bondservant.