John 10:1-6 Knowing the Good Shepherd’s Voice
The 23rd Psalm is very popular among the followers of the Lord, and this was probably so when the disciple John heard Jesus say, I am the True Shepherd. Jesus says He has easy access to the door, the doorkeeper freely opens it for Him. If someone wants to perform an invasion, they have to climb a wall, any illegal way is okay for a thief. Of course this is parable so Jesus is using a real life story to help His followers try to understand spiritual warfare. A human can tell the difference of the true owner of a house rather than a robber. A spiritual being can make himself look innocent but the word of God many times says to beware of false teachers, who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
For the sheep to truly know the real Shepherd’s voice, they must know His words. We call ourselves Christian cause we believe His teaching but how familiar are with His voice? A Christian is supposed to read the Lord’s word daily. The 23rd Psalm tells us the Lord is His sheep’s Shepherd, in verse 2 they led to green pastures. What do you think sheep do in green pastures, they eat the grass and spend time with Shepherd. When do you sheep eat, most of the time is all day. Sheep are very frightful animals, when they want a drink of water, they want to go to a fast moving stream of water like a rushing river. So the true Shepherd takes them by still waters, and the sheep lower their head and drink living water. If anyone is familiar with Jesus teaching Jesus is calling Himself the true Shepherd in John 10:1-6, He also says His word is true also, Jesus also calls His bread and drink true.
If you are truly part of the fold of Jesus and allow Him to be your Shepherd, spend time in His green pasture and consume all or spiritual food. Plus my beloved, when you get thirty drinks of His living water, it quenches a thirst better than a tall glass of lemonade on a hot day. Do yourself a favor my brothers and sister, get to know your Shepherd’s true voice. God bless you all, the Shepherd loves you and so do I. Samuel H
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