Exodus 20:1-3 Loving the Great I Am First Is Life
The Eygptian kindly let Israel come to their land because they knew famine was gonna happen because God-fearing Hebrew name Joseph foretold and told them how to prepare. The Hebrews were grateful for the early Egyptian’s hospitality and did labor for them for the food they ate. But the Hebrews obeyed the words from Genesis 1:28 and were fruit and “Be fruitful and multiply,”. So the hospitality of Egypt became oppressive to the Hebrew people. So they called out to God, please rescue us, and like God that is good, He heard them and answered them, because the Lord always keeps His covenant promise.
When the Lord delivers the first and greatest commandment, He reminds them, I am the Lord your God, I have freed you from a powerful enemy you couldn’t fight and now I offer you freedom. Therefore He says, You shall have no other gods but Me. The ancient Egyptians had a god, his name was Ra, he was their god for the sun. Many ancient civilizations worshipped a sun god of some kind because they looked at the sun as a giver of life, So it must have really destroyed the Egyptian’s faith in Ra when the Lord Almighty made the light of the sun go dark for three days.
The Pharaoh may not exist anymore, but the Lord is still God and He always will be. Sin is still the master of all mankind now just as much as it was back then. Many kinds of oppression come from sin, the desire to want, to have, to need, to taste, to eat, to be wanted and to be loved. The book of Exodus is re-education to Hebrew people who were slaves for 400 years, when Moses asked the Lord, who should I tell them who you are, and exactly what you are?
The first commandment of God is the most important of all, everything and all things exist because of God. Anything that takes your and mine attention from God, becomes our god, and He totally doesn’t understand that. He made everything and whatever we worship will either go away or let us down. For some, our family can be more important than God, therefore they become our god. The Lord wants to be our first love and, of course loving others is what the golden rules say, but perfect love comes from loving our creator first and foremost and the Holy Spirit teaches to love all mankind, all humanity, all are made in His images. Many people say and many tv commercials say, the love of self is important, but the love of self is where sin starts, the Lord God, say love Him first, others than yourself last. Knowing the Great I Am is the first step to knowing who you are, you and I are the Great I Am, sons and daughters, anything else is foolish and empty, that kind of relationship and devotion leads to nothing, nothing and more nothing. If your life feels empty and meaningless, acknowledge with your heart, your mouth and your life God is your only and one only God. God bless you all, the Great I Am loves you and so do I, Samuel H.
Thank you for this. God bless you.