Matthew 5:21-22 Jesus Preaches, Hate Is Murder In His Great Sermon ?
Jesus has been preaching about God’s law & how He is a fulfillment of it. A lot of Christian & Churches say Jesus death did away the 10 Commandment, but most agree murder is not a blessing & most will say a murder if he or she doesn’t repent will go to fiery hell. You shall not murder, after all is the sixth commandment & most people would agree it most ant-love act there is. President George W Bush made a statement is murder is a act of hate & any murder is a hate crime. The United State definition of hate crime is different from what Jesus preaches in the sermon on the mount. US law says hate crime will be targeted because of their race, gender, religion or behavior. Jesus has a different definition of murder & when the act of occurs.The word of God says the act of hate is murder, a emotion that starts within a person mind & heart;
I call myself a Christian & in my life before i was follower of Jesus, I hated a lot of people, that mean i murder them, according to scripture. In my Christian life, I continue to murder someone at different time, cause I had hate in my heart. But the more I mature in God’s word, I know He doesn’t want me to hate anyone, cause by then I have broken the six commandments & deserve my day in court. If we reflect on more of Jesus preaching on the sermon, He says If you or I call someone “you good-for-nothing:, or even say, You fool,” we have killed that person, in our hearts & the eyes of God. The funny thing about Jesus saying He was a fulfillment of the Torah, the man who God told write to Torah, develop hate in his heart & murder Egyptian;
A lot of people would say Moses was justify by killing a man who was oppressing his Hebrew brothers & sisters, but when try tell two Hebrew man to stop fighting each other, & they called him a murder, because his act of hate was not a secret. The issue is it okay to murder even murder a oppressor & if it wasn’t why did Moses run a long way Egypt to , he felt so guilty he ran 10750 km (milometers) and 39.73 meters. The mile based measurement distance is 6679.8 miles. That is long away for some who felt guilty that according to a lot of people would say the slave drive Egyptian deserve death. The repentance of the 6th commandment must have secret between God & Moses, because the Lord allows Moses to write the Holy Word in the first 5 books of Scripture & is called the Book of God’s law, but by God gave Moses grace. If Moses felt guilty for killing murdering a evil Egyptian who come we don’t feel guilt within our hearts, if or when we have simple dislike, or problem, issues, or hate against some or crosses us wrong, please tell the Christian world & if you are guilty of hate, ask God to show you & me to show peace to all God’s children. The Lord loves you & so do I. Sam H.