John 3:9-10 Is You Real?
Nicodemus responded and asked, “How can these things be?” 10 Jesus answered and said to him, “You are the teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?
Nicodemus, a leader of the Jewish Sect of priests and a Pharisee, did not know the difference between being born of the flesh or spirit. Sadly, so many modern-day Christian elected members are not much different. Christian Zionists are so-called Christians who believe the word of God literally. From Genesis to Revelation, all scripture has physical and very little spiritual meaning. The beliefs and teaching give birth to antichrist lies. In some ways, the Christian Zionists favor the Jews more than Yahweh. To many Jews, God is the overhead ruling Lord, who does not want a relationship with His creation, but the scripture never says that. The Bible has many events that happened, but the spiritual power of God, such as parting the Red Sea, made those historical events happen. It was beyond all human logic that Sarah would give birth to a newborn baby at 90, but the spirit of God made it possible. It was also entirely against all human logic that a virgin would give birth, especially to Immanuel. The Jews believe Sarah gave birth to Isaac, but not Mary gave birth to Jesus the Messiah. The Christian Zionists believe the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is the Holy Land. God told Abraham to leave his native land to go to the land of where Israel to test his loyalty. For the same reason, he asked him to sacrifice Isaac as means of worship to try his dedication again. So many prophetic lies Christian Zionists believe, such as the rapture, which gives, the Jews more mercy upon mercy. But only the Jews at the time of the rapture will receive extra time to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, those who have passed before then a doomed because the Christian Zionist understanding of the state of the dead is physical as well. A third temple must be built before the rapture, which is a prophetic lie. A follower of God becomes His child when they spiritually believe Jesus is the word made into flesh. A child of God will also read and see that the chosen people never genuinely enter the promised land. But they will, at the same time as you and me if we are spiritually born again. God bless you all; the Lord Jesus loves you, and so do I: his spiritual bondservant, Samuel Jerry Head.