Proverbs 12:9 The Real Pretender
In 1996, NBC released a tv action series titled “The Pretender,” and it ended in May 2000, so it was a little successful. The TV series follows Jerod, who is trained to be a genius impostor. As a young child, a group called The Centre kidnapped Jerod to train him as a mastermind at pretending to impostor any situation he found himself in. The practice and training would teach Jerod to be the perfect spy. As Jerod ages, he questions the actions of The Centre that kidnapped him when he was a young child. He learns his parents were murdered by The Centre and that the people who raised him were not even his real parents. Jerod does not like he was kidnapped, raised by fake parents, and trained to be a skillful imposter/killer. He had learned these skills. He was learning to place himself with people of professional skills and kill them as Black ops agents for the government. Jerod was a kind-hearted man who did not like being trained for warfare because the murder was not in his heart. So, Jerod escapes The Centre and uses his trained abilities to hide from them. Jerod will disguise himself as a doctor in a hospital or as an attorney for a law firm. When he learns the Centre is close to his location, he will disappear again. The Lord desires a relationship with His children, yet we were made to be His servants. In the gospels a few times, the Lord says, I am your Master who lowers Himself to be your servant, and you shall be my Master. There should be no doubt in any Christian’s mind that Jesus is honest, but the Lord wants you and I to be honest also. Hypocritical, lukewarm, and pretending Christians really do not have a relationship with the Lord. Therefore, they do not even have the bread of life. The book of Proverbs separates the wise from the foolish. An intelligent person knows he or she is nobody without the Lord; therefore, they exalt God. But foolish people exalt themselves, and they push the Lord away. Jerod of the NBC series “The Pretender” did not want to murder the government because, in the end, Jerod would have his victim’s blood on his hands. A bondservant of the Lord should wish for a humble relationship with God. Still, if they are a pretender, it is their own death they are responsible for, and that, my friend, is truly foolish. God bless you all; the Lord Jesus loves you, and so do I. His bondservant, Samuel J H.