Psalm 23:5 The Shepherd’s Wonderful Anointing

Psalm 23:5

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings.

It’s an honor to be invited to a friend’s house for a meal they will prepare for you. It’s a feeling of being appreciated, accepted and loved for who you, a special friend thinks of you to ask you, come to my table cause I want to feed you. He might spend hours or his wife preparing the food, cleaning their house, getting  out the special silverware and dinnerware. When you get to his place, the door is opened before you even knock, you think to yourself, he was looking out his window waiting for me to show up. He greets you and says, gives you a hug or a firm handshake and says, welcome to my home, may I take your coat or offer you a cool drink. Inside his house you can smell the food that has been prepared by your host and if you are hungry, your hunger increases, cause you just want to find out if the taste is as delightful as the aroma. Aa you take a seat and wait for the meal to be ready, your host practices a custom you heard or you may not have but never experienced. He says may I wash your feet. You may feel strange but you want to be a good guest and you agree to let your feet be washed, so he lowers himself to the floor then removes your shoes, takes your feet one by one and washed them then dries them off and puts your shoes back on. Just when you think he is done, your host is behind you and pours something that feels like oil so much oil because he continues to pour until it splashes to the floor. It  smells more wonderful and delightful than the meal coming from the kitchen. Your host, your friends tell you, I am honored to have you in my house, eating at my table and eating the tasty meal I prepared for you. The time has come to sit at the dinner table, your host says let me fill your plate of food, and he is generous with portions he adds to your plate. He says let’s join hands and I will say a blessing for our meal, so while holding hands, with bow head and closed eyes, your host gives beautiful over the food he has prepared for you. After he gives thanks for your presence in his house and at his table, he says go ahead and enjoy your meal, you use the special silverware and consume all of your meal and drink. When your stomach feels full, he might ask you if you are satisfied. Can I offer you more or would you like to take some home, maybe a delicious dessert. He might say if you are tired, please stay here,  I have extra room and when you wake we have a wonderful breakfast. This is what it is like to have the Lord as your Shepherd, the host Jesus Christ will freely give you all that is His, freely. The meal is His word, when you begin to consume it, the anointing of oil He pours on your head begins to sink in your mind and heart. No longer are you in the house of your Shepherd, but His Spirit is now dwelling in your heart. Even when you are not in His house or at His table, you can feel Shepherd’s Spirit  all inside your being and presence. Your cup overflows, like when He asks if you want to take some home. The Lord wants you to tell others of y0ur overflowing blessings and of the good Shepherd. Invite others to the table of grace and all brothers and sisters of Christ can wash each other’s feet. God bless you all, the Lord your Shepherd loves you and so do I. Samuel J Head

Luke 22:15 And He said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I say to you, I shall not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” 17 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, “Take this and share it among yourselves; 18 for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until the kingdom of God comes.”

1 Corinthians 11:33  So, my dear brothers and sisters, when you gather for the Lord’s Supper, wait for each other

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